10 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Atlas Of Creation - Volume 4-

Giraffe Skull 

Giraffe Skull 
Period: Eocene
Age: 38 million years
Region: Xi An, China
With their long necks, giraffes are very striking animals. Darwinists hypothesized that this extraordinary long neck gradually emerged as the result of reaching up into high branches. This idea, one of the best known evolutionist deceptions, has been eliminated by the fossil evidence in this photograph;  giraffes 38 million years ago were the same as they are now. There is no trace in the fossil record or imaginary giraffe specimens whose necks  gradually began growing in order for them to reach higher branches. The giraffe was the same 38 million years ago as it is today.

Wolverine Skull

Wolverine Skull
Period: Paleocene
Age: 62 million years
Region: Ma Jia, Gan Su, China
Wolverines living 62 million years ago had exactly the same anatomy and appearance as members of the species living today. They lived, fed and reproduced in the same way as members of the species do today. This is because it is Almighty Allah, the Lord of all, Who created them 62 million years ago and Who creates them today. It is Allah Who gives them life and appoints a lifestyle for them. Like all other life forms, the wolverine is not the product of blind chance.

Seal Skull 

Seal Skull 
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 84 million years
Region: Xi Ma La Ya Mountaion, China
A gingko leaf that Darwin discovered in 1859, the earliest specimens of which go back 250 million years, threw him into a panic. Darwin described this discovery as a “living fossil” and regarded it as a significant problem for his theory. Had Darwin been alive today, he might have abandoned his theory entirely in the face of the size of the problem. In the absence of so much as a single fossil over the years that might have corroborated his theory, Darwin essentially passed the buck to those who came after him and hoped that a transitional form would be found one day.
Yet neither Darwin nor his successors ever found what they hoped for. As can be seen in the 84-million-year seal skull in the picture, every day reveals a new fossil specimen dating back millions of years of a life form in existence today. The fossil record has given the lie to Darwin and revealed that creation is an indisputable fact.

Bear Skull

Bear Skull
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 78 million years
Region: Gan Su, China
Darwinists have always offered false evidence in order to give the scenario of human evolution credibility, at least in their own eyes. These include the notorious Piltdown Man, which was displayed for 40 years and only then realized to the be a hoax, Nebraska Man, whose whole life story was fabricated on the basis of a single wild pig molar, Ramapithecus, depicted as a “transitional form” for 50 years, and of course Lucy, which is still portrayed as an intermediate form even though scientists are well aware of the invalidity of this. Darwinists seek to conjure “human evolution” from a fictitious process. But all their efforts based on falsehood have always ended in failure.
In contrast, paleontological research has revealed fossil specimens of life forms that have not changed over millions of years. A 78-million-year-old bear skull is one of these. Since life forms have never changed and there is not one single piece of evidence to support evolution, all the speculation about the evolution of man is invalid. It is Allah Who creates human beings.

Wolf Skull 

Wolf Skull 
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 75 million years
Region: Xin Jiang, China
Evolutionists claim that the first cell, the like of which scientists are still unable to replicate, emerged from a puddle of muddy water over the course of millions of years. It is certainly not at all difficult for a mentality that maintains that such a complex structure as the cell developed by chance to also maintain that human beings who found civilizations, rule states, perform operations and develop ideas also formed by chance. The logic of Darwinism is exceedingly primitive. With that logic it is of course not hard to make the impossible possible. Behaving as if there were evidence available, when in fact there is none at all, is no problem. With such a primitive logic it is hard to find intelligence and understanding with which to appreciate Allah's creative artistry, even though this is so plain to see. But for people who have escaped this primitive logic it is easy to see the obvious proofs of Allah's existence. A 75-million-year-old wolf skull is one such proof.

Marten Skull 

Marten Skull
Darwinists have not one single piece of evidence that might prove their claims. In contrast to this lack of evidence for evolution, evidence for the fact of Creation is increasing all the time. One such example is the 36-million-year-old marten fossil on the left.
All marten fossils are fully formed and show that these animals have had the same dental, cranial and

Period: Oligocene
Age: 36 million years
Region: Si Chuan, China
According to Darwinism, the fossil skulls and other remains discovered should be very different from those of present-day life forms. All the organisms in the fossil record should appear in their evolving transitional forms. For example, there should be many remains of half -fish and half -reptile creatures, or half -reptile and half -mammal. Martens should not always be the same; there should be fossils of strange animals resembling martens, but that have not yet become complete martens. For example, we should encounter marten fossil skulls with three eye sockets, or perhaps no nasal cavity, or maybe with jaws on top of their heads. Yet all the marten fossils ever unearthed have all the complete anatomical features of present-day martens.  This shows that martens have never changed since the moment they first appeared.