11 Ocak 2013 Cuma


The fossil in the picture is a double aspect positive-negative one.
A 210-million-year coelacanth fossil
Period: Triassic
Age: 210 million years
Region: Madagascar
The discovery of a living coelacanth, a 210-million-year-old fossil specimen of which is shown in the picture, came as a severe blow to evolutionists. Evolutionist biologists seeking evidence for their theory of “a passage from water to land” had made highly irrational claims on the basis of the coelacanth. They suggested that the fish had a supposedly primitive (not fully functional) lung. This was described in a great many scientific references, and illustrations representing the coelacanth moving from water onto dry land were often published. Until 1938, many evolutionary biologists hypothesized that this life form used the two double fins on its body to walk along the sea bed and was a transitional form between marine and terrestrial animals. As evidence for these claims, evolutionists pointed to the bony structures in coelacanth fossil fins.
However, an event in the Indian Ocean on  December 22nd 1938, totally demolished that idea. A living member of the Latimeria species, one of the coelacanth family, which had been depicted as a transitional form that had become extinct 70 million years earlier, was caught in the middle of the ocean! The discovery of a “living, breathing” coelacanth came as a huge shock to evolutionists. In addition, examination of the animal, thought to have disappeared 70 million years in the past, showed that coelacanths had never changed over 400 million years. More than 200 coelacanths, a species which evolutionists had declared long extinct, were caught in the years that followed in other regions, especially in 1939 in the mouth of the Chalumna River and off the coast of Madagascar, and in the seas off the Comorra Islands in 1952 and 1953.
The catching of these fish exposed just how far the fictitious speculation by evolutionist scientists could go. Coelacanths had neither a primitive lung nor a large brain. The structure that evolutionist researchers thought was a primitive lung was nothing more than a fat sac in the fish’s body. Moreover, contrary to what had been claimed, the fish did not possess a large body. While it had a large skull, there was  only a small brain inside it. The idea of the only serious contender for the role of a “transitional form” between fish and amphibians was thus eliminated.
At this, the popularity of the coelacanth in evolutionist publications came to a sudden end and the coelacanth was hastily taken out of textbooks where it was presented as a supposedly transitional form.
Evolutionists’ efforts have all been in vain. All the evidence refutes evolution and shows that Creation is a fact. In one verse Allah says:
Say: ‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish.’ (Qur’an, 17:81)


Period: Devonian
Age: 400-380 million years
Region: Germany
The body of the brittlestar is different to that of other starfish. The brittlestar’s thin arms emerge from a body resembling a small flower, and this differentiates it from other starfish. One of the fossils proving that, contrary to what evolutionists maintain, gradual evolution never took place is the 380 to 400-million-year-old brittlestar fossil in the picture. The brittlestar was a brittlestar 400 million years ago just as it is today, and it has never undergone even the slightest change. Norman Macbeth, a well-known evolutionist, admits the invalidity of the theory of evolution, that has suffered a major defeat in the face of the fossil record:
“Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses.” (Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason, Boston: Gambit, 1971, p. 147)


Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Sardines are nomadic fish that travel in schools, in deep water in winter and moderately deep water in summer. They are 15 cm (6 inches) long on average, with a maximum length of 20-22 cm (8.3 inches). These fish are often found in the Black Sea, Marmara, Dardanelles and the northern Aegean. The picture shows a 95-million-year-old fossil. As with all other living things created by Allah, this life form has never changed since it was first created and deals a severe blow to the theory of evolution.