Bat Eared Fox Skull
Millions of fossils from tens of thousands of species have been unearthed to date. As can clearly be seen from the bat eared fox skull on this page, these all belong to fully formed and complete life forms with a perfect appearance and complexity. The same applies to specimens of ants, fish, bears, spiders and tigers, which were the same millions of years ago as they are today.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 71 million years
Region: Yun Nan, China
The bat eared fox has larger ears and smaller teeth than other species of fox. A 71-million-year-old bat eared fox skull fossil has the same typical features as members of the same species today.
Therefore, Darwinism is unable to account both for species, and for variations within species. Different species of foxes have existed in the fossil record for millions of years. This also applies to many other life forms, and not a single intermediate form showing a supposed passage from one life form to another exists. All this evidence leaves no doubt about the collapse of Darwinism, and reveals that life forms were created with the same complex structures they possess today. Allah knows how to create all species.
Striped Jackal Skull
Details such as the fossil’s dental structure reveal that this life form was the same 82 million years ago as it is today.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 82 million years
Region: Xi Jiang, China
An 82-million-year-old striped jackal skull is just one of the living things that has left remains behind to the present day. This fossil show that fully formed jackals, with all their anatomical features just as jackals of today were also living on Earth 82 million years ago. This and countless other examples tell Darwinists that when we look at the fossil skulls of jackals, monkeys, other life forms or even of now extinct human races that once lived in the past, we see that none of these have ever changed. Not a single transitional form to show that any one of these has changed has ever been found. This means that living things never evolved, and that each one is the creation of Almighty Allah.
Sun Bear Skull
All fossils dating back millions of years show that today’s mammals were living in exactly the same way as they were millions of years in the past and that they never evolved. This deals a very serious blow to Darwinism. And that is the reality depicted in this book.
Period: Miocene
Age: 6.7 million years
Region: Shan Dong, China
In his book In Search of Deep Time, Henry Gee states that there is no evidence in the fossil record to support the theory of evolution, and that on the contrary, the available data are interpreted by evolutionists in the light of their own preconceptions:
"Many of the assumptions we make about evolution, especially concerning the history of life as understood from the fossil record, are, however, baseless." (Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999, pp. 1-2)
As Henry Gee says, the fossil record has shown that Darwinism’s claims regarding life and its origins are completely unrealistic. Countless examples, such as the 6.7-million-year-old sun bear skull in the picture, prove that Darwinism is nothing more than a hypothesis that flies in the face of all the facts.
Hyena Skull
Darwinists, who maintain that life forms are in a constant state of change, are unable to account for the obvious stasis in all living species. This 32-million-year-old hyena skull below is one example of this stasis in living things.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 33 million years
Region: He Zheng, Shan Dong, China
The way that the detailed remains of a living thing dating back millions of years appear from under the ground is truly a miracle. If Allah so wished, a living thing’s bones would also vanish in the soil, in the same way as soft tissues do, and not a trace of them would be left. That would leave the way open for Darwinists to engage in speculation. Although paleontology, microbiology and microgenetics provide no evidence for their theories, they would still try to use the non-existent fossil record to fabricate scenarios. But that is not the case. Complete skeletal remains of living things are unearthed, all their details can be analyzed, they can be compared with those of present-day life forms and owing to all the countless details that are made available their resemblance to present-day life forms can be perfectly revealed. Therefore, Darwinism has collapsed in the field of paleontology, as it has in those of all other branches of science.
One of these perfect remains is this 33-million-year-old hyena skull, which is identical to those of hyenas living today.
Boar Skull
Not a single one of the transitional forms expected by Darwin, and that all Darwinists have hoped to find, exists. Not a single transitional form has ever been discovered anywhere in the world. There is no difference between this boar skull that dates back 58 million years and those of present-day boars. The truth revealed by the fossil record is that life forms did not evolve but were created in a moment, looking the same as they do today.
Period: Paleocene
Age: 58 million years
Region: Shan Dong, China
Darwinists were once able to attract supporters using a primitive logic. It was a simple matter at a time of scientific ignorance to convince people that proteins and eventually cells formed spontaneously and gradually from muddy water, that bears hunting in water gradually acquired fins and turned into whales and that monkeys decided to stop swinging from branch to branch and began walking upright, thus giving rise to human beings.
Since the fields of genetics and paleontology were unknown at that time, all these fictitious changes were heralded as scientific facts. But things are no longer anywhere near as simple as that for Darwinists. The science of genetics has revealed the complexity of the cell, and paleontology has revealed that life forms have never changed. Like countless of other specimens, the 58 million-year-old boar skull in the picture to the side shows that life forms dating back millions of years are identical to those living today. It is no longer possible for Darwinism to deceive people.