Period: Jurassic
Age: 152 million years
Region: Regensburg, Germany
The halfbeak has a long, beak-like jaw, conical in shape and equipped with powerful teeth. Comparison of this 150-million-year-old fossil discovered in Germany with specimens living today shows that the species has undergone no change in its appearance, nor any other changes in its bone and tail structure. Halfbeaks are one of the countless species that demonstrate the invalidity of evolution. Halfbeaks, the oldest known specimens of which date back to the Jurassic period (206-144 million years ago) have remained unchanged for millions of years.
Trumpet Coral (Caulastrea curvata)
Period: Jurassic
Age: 150 million years
Region: Germany
Corals are invertebrate organisms living in the depths of the sea. There are various types, such as soft, horn and thorny corals. When coral dries and solidifies it has a stone-like structure. Corals often resemble brightly colored flower gardens at the bottom of the sea.
The 150-million-year fossil coral in the picture was petrified with all its details. As can clearly be seen from the two pictures, this coral is identical to corals living today. This means that despite the intervening 150 million years, corals have never changed; in other words, they never evolved.
The fossil in the picture is a double aspect positive-negative one.
Period: Carboniferous
Age: 300 million years
Region: Illinois, USA
The fossil record is exceedingly rich and its numbers are sufficient for us to comprehend the origin of life. When we examine fossils we see that they appear suddenly, separately and with all their unique structures, with no supposed “evolutionary” “transitional forms” preceding them. This is one of ” the proofs that Almighty Allah created all living things. One of the fossils showing that Creation is a manifest reality is the 300-million-year-old lobster fossil shown in the picture. The details of the bodies of decapods, such as crabs, shrimp and crawfish, can also be clearly seen in this 300-million-year-old fossil. Like all other living things, this life form has remained the same since the day it was first created and has undergone not even the slightest change since.
Horn Shark
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Present-day horn sharks have wide ridges on their long bodies. Examination of the 95-million-year-old fossil in the picture shows that the ridges on the body, and its head and tail structure have not changed in the least. The horn shark lives in the depths of the seas, and sometimes uses its pectoral fins to crawl over rocks. It lies in ambush for its prey in caves or reefs. It is approximately 1 meter long. The 95-million-year-old horn shark in the picture illustrates once again the defeat suffered by Darwinists and proves the fact that our Lord creates all living things.