Lynx Skull
Period: Paleocene
Age: 57 million years
Region: Gan Su, China
This animal that lived 57 million years ago is identical to those living today. Like hundreds of thousands of life forms whose fossils have been unearthed, these animals have never changed. With these fossils, it is not hard to imagine what the Earth must have been like millions of years ago. It was not very different to the Earth of today. Apart from some complex life forms that have since become extinct, today’s animals were living then, and looking just as they do today. The fossil record proves this. And Darwinists can say nothing in the face of this definitive proof.
Red Wolf Skull
Period: Eocene
Age: 51 million years
Region: Gao Xiong, Taiwan
The red wolf skull in the picture, dating back 51 million years, reflects the characteristics of the animal in perfect detail.
Had such a fossil never emerged, Darwinists would no doubt still be inventing countless scenarios regarding the supposed evolution of the red wolf. They would produce a great many false intermediate forms and produced various myths. But as will all other fossils, this fossil gives Darwinists no room to maneuver. This applies to all other life forms and also to human beings. Every scenario fabricated by Darwinists continues to be discredited just as rapidly as they can invent these scenarios.
Like all their other anatomical features, red wolves’ teeth and jaws have never changed for millions of years.
Details in the fossil’s jaw structure are proof that black bears have never changed over millions of years.
Black Bear Skull
Details in the fossil’s jaw structure are proof that black bears have never changed over millions of years.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 83 million years
Region: Ning Xia, China
To know that black bears of today were living 83 million years ago is by itself enough to invalidate evolution. The existence of giant mammals with extraordinarily complex structures at a time when evolutionists suggest that everything was very primitive is more than adequate evidence to show that Darwinism is a theory needing to be consigned to the scrap heap of history. One such piece of evidence is enough by itself, yet millions of living fossils from very different species have been found, and there is no difference between the fossil specimens and today’s counterparts. In short, the fossil record in which Darwin and other evolutionists had placed such great hopes has instead been instrumental in Darwinism’s collapse. This is Allah's sublime creation.
Maned Wolf Skull
Period: Miocene
Age: 7.3 million years
Region: An Hui, China
The fossil record is an insoluble dilemma for evolution. Evolutionists also express this truth from time to time. The following is an admission by the evolutionary paleontologist Mark Czarnecki that there is no evidence for the theory of evolution and that fossils all point to creation:
“A major problem in proving the [evolution] theory has been the fossil record… This record has never revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical intermediate variants – instead species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God.” (Mark Czarnecki, "The Revival of the Creationist Crusade", MacLean's, 19 January 1981, p. 56)
Aard Wolf Skull
Period: Eocene
Age: 49 million years
Region: Xi, An, Shan Xi, China
If Darwinism were true, then the fossil record should be chock-full of intermediate species in the course of development, and not the fossils of present-day life forms dating back millions of years. But that is not so, and the scientific findings are incompatible with the Darwinist myth. The American paleontologist S.M. Stanley admits this in the words:
“The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with gradualism.” (S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, Basic Books Inc. Publishers, N.Y., 1981, p. 71)
“The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with gradualism.” (S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, Basic Books Inc. Publishers, N.Y., 1981, p. 71)
As with the 49-million-year-old earth wolf skull in the picture on the left, the fossil record is full of millions of species that have never changed at all. This is one of the greatest dilemmas facing evolution.
With all their glorious features, all living things show that evolution never happened and say instead, “We were created.”
Jackal Skull
Period: Eocene
Age: 51 million years
Region: Gao Xiong, Taiwan
Not one single fossil showing that life forms share a common ancestor has ever been found. There is no evidence in the fossil record that life forms are in a constant state of change. So why are Darwinists so insistent on their theory? Why do they insist on saying that life forms evolve, when there is so much proof that Allah creates them? The reason is entirely ideological. Defending the theory of evolution is vitally important for materialistic and atheistic ideologies.
Darwinists can persist with the theory of evolution all they like, but the fossil record will continue to demolish evolution with new evidence. The 51-million-year-old fossil jackal in the picture is one example of that fact.
The teeth in the jackal fossil shown to the side are perfectly clear and show that jackals have come down unchanged to the present day.
The fossil in the picture reveals that, just like tigers, foxes, lions, rhinoceroses and all other life forms, jackals have never changed.
Zebra Skull
Period: Eocene
Age: 45 million years
Region: Xi An, China
Allah creates all living things with different appearances and forms. In the same way that life forms have different lifestyles and needs, so there are profound differences in their anatomies. That is why it is not at all hard to describe fossils that are unearthed. All the anatomical characteristics of a life form whose fossil is discovered can easily be determined from the remains. This distinction is clear in the 45-million-year-old fossil zebra in the picture. There is no difference between the characteristics of the fossil and those of present-day zebras.
There is no doubt that this is a great miracle of Allah. The scientific evidence available is too definitive to be rejected by any scientist, even an evolutionist. It is a concrete scientific fact that life forms have never changed; in other words, they have never undergone evolution. This evidence makes it much easier to understand what a deception Darwinism is. The fossil record has revealed evidence of the wondrous creation on Earth that cannot be denied. It is simply not possible to deny this truth.
All scientific findings, fossils for example, show that living things appeared suddenly, not gradually through evolution; in other words, they were created.
Anyone with common sense who examines fossils will agree that life forms have remained exactly as they were first created. No living things have any history of evolution behind them. The sole Creator and Lord of living things is Almighty Allah.