11 Ocak 2013 Cuma


Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Green River, Wyoming, USA
The 50-million-year old catfish in the picture has come down to the present day completely unchanged. Like all the other millions of fish created, this species never underwent evolution. The transition from water to dry land alleged by evolutionists never happened. Like other life forms, the catfish looked and lived 50 million years ago the same as it does today.


The fossil in the picture is a double aspect, negative-positive fossil.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37 - 23 million years
Region: Czech Republic
Like several other deep sea fish these small, bright, silver fish resembling hatchets in appearance have light producing organs beneath their stomachs. These fish have up to 100 light organs capable of emitting light beneath their bodies. The hatchet fish, which has lived in the seas for millions of years with this perfect creation, never developed out of any other life form and has never turned into another one. The 37-to-23-million-year-old hatchet fish from the Oligocene period in the picture was found in the Czech Republic and is identical to specimens living today.


This fossil jellyfish, which dates back 500 million years and proves that these organisms have never changed up to the present day, is just one of hundreds of millions of fossils that clearly show the invalidity of evolution.
Period: Cambrian
Age: 500 million years
Region: Wisconsin, USA
The way that the 500-million-year-old jellyfish in the picture has come down to the present day is quite literally a miracle because these marine organisms have no skeletons like fish do; theirs is a completely jelly-like structure. Under normal conditions this animal should have left no fossil remain behind it but Allah allowed this animal to be fossilized in order to invalidate evolutionists’ claims and has made it available as evidence from 500 million years in the past.
Jellyfish have no hearts, brains, bones, scales or eyes. They have simply  a loose network of nerves. Some species of jellyfish are poisonous. Those that are not poisonous possess the ability to emit light as the result of a chemical reaction, known as bioluminescence, for self defense. Just like all other life forms, jellyfish are  manifestations of Allah’s glorious creative artistry.

Opalescent Squid

Opalescent Squid
Period: Jurassic
Age: 148 million years
Region: Solnhofen, Germany
Like other created like forms, this 148-million-year-old opalescent squid has come down unchanged to the present day. This is obvious proof that evolution never happened and that Allah creates all living things. The opalescent squid is one of the decapod family, and has 10 limbs protruding from its mouth region. Opalescent squids have highly sensitive senses of smell and taste. Their eyes are so powerful that with the vision they enjoy, by means of 70 million eye cells, they can immediately recognize a danger approaching from behind and perform a series of movements to protect themselves. Allah has given this animal a perfect defensive system. When attacked, the opalescent squid emits a dark-colored liquid from its ink sac, thus confusing the predator and allowing it to escape at high speed.